Building Funished UI Design With Angular Material Design




Design is the part of software or application development that requires some natural insight from the developer. Some people will say: "we are born designer, we don't become designers". This is where the material design comes into play. The mega tech company in the name of Google introduced the google material design in June 2014 during the I/O Conference.

Google IO 2014

Material design is a design concept introduced by google to fill the gap of the saying of on people born as designers. It's actually a set of prebuilt common UI components that was built following the most optimal design standards and principles.

In this article, we will introduce you to angular material design which is actually a version of material design  built specially for the angular framework. Since the release of angular 6, it has come with a very nice feature that completely eases the setup and the usage of angular material design. that feature was named angular material design schematics


Installing Schematics

From version 6, angular cli comes packaged with schematics to install angular material design by running a single command as shown below.

ng add @angular/material

This will install the material design package and all the dependencies needed like @angular/cdk and @angular/animations. Running this command will also make sure all the related updates have been made as stated below.


Setup Schematics Components.

In addition to install schematics, angular material comes with multiple schematics commands that can be used to easily generate material design components. Here is the list of all the components come with schematics at the moment I am writing this article.




Component with a form group that uses Material Design form controls to prompt for a shipping address


Creates a component with a responsive Material Design sidenav and a toolbar for showing the app name


Component with multiple Material Design cards and menus which are aligned in a grid layout


Generates a component with a Material Design data table that supports sorting and pagination


Component that interactively visualizes a nested folder structure by using the <mat-tree>component

Additionally the Angular CDK also comes with a collection of component schematics:




Component that uses the @angular/cdk/drag-drop directives for creating an interactive to-do list


What you will learn from this article 

To assimilate this introduction, we will build a light weight dashboard template as shown on the image at the beggining of this article, using these four main components of the schematics feature:

  1. navigation

  2. dashboard

  3. tabble

  4. address-form

Building our dashboard-template

As stated earlier, we will have to start by creating our Angular Application and using the angular cli. If you don't know how to use angular cli I will invite you to read the top section of this article to get familiar  with it before come back here. So run the following command where dashboard-template is the name of our angular application.

ng new dashbaord-template

go to the following local address to make sure you app is working well. http://localhost:4200/

if everything is okay, you should have this result.


Installing material design Schematics Component

To install any other schematics component, we must first install the angular material design package via schematics with the followiing command.

ng add @angular/material

As i mentionned before it will install evry needed dependencies as you can see here.



Installing the Navigation Component

At this level it's very simple to add other components with just one command, for the Navigation,we will run the following command where navigation is the name of our component here.

ng generate @angular/material:nav navigation

The only thing remaining is to update our code in other for the navigation component to appear. Nothing simple than the normal angular dev knowledge. So, let's replace the content of our app/app.component.html with the following:


and this is the expected output.



Installing the Dashboard Component

As the previous component, we just run the following command and update the content section of our Navigation component to display our dashboard in tthere.

ng generate @angular/material:dashboard dashboard

Now just open the navigation/navigation.component.html and add this code snippet

directly below the comment section that says <!-- Add Content Here -->


that will be all normally you should see this:



Our App Routing

Let's add the routing system in other to be able to Navigate through the pages of our application if you didn't do it while setting up the appplication.

all you need to do is to open app/app.module.ts file and add the lines of code

import {RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';

//after all the imports
const routes: Routes = [
            path: '',
            component: DashboardComponent,
            path: 'forms',
            component: FormsComponent,
            path: 'tables',
            component: TablesComponent,


  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]

now update the navigation/navigation.component.html

<mat-sidenav-container class="sidenav-container">
  <mat-sidenav #drawer class="sidenav" fixedInViewport="true"
      [attr.role]="(isHandset$ | async) ? 'dialog' : 'navigation'"
      [mode]="(isHandset$ | async) ? 'over' : 'side'"
      [opened]="!(isHandset$ | async)">
      <a mat-list-item routerLink="">Dashboard</a>
      <a mat-list-item routerLink="tables">Tables</a>
      <a mat-list-item routerLink="forms">Forms</a>
    <mat-toolbar color="primary">
        aria-label="Toggle sidenav"
        *ngIf="isHandset$ | async">
        <mat-icon aria-label="Side nav toggle icon">menu</mat-icon>
    <!-- Add Content Here -->
    <div style="padding: 15px;">

What to notice here is that, we have updated the <!-- Add Content Here -->  section and the mat-nav-list routerLink properties as you can see in the code snippet above.


Installing the Tables Component

All we have to do now is to install the component and it will directly show as the route will invoke the component which will invoke the view on it turn.

ng generate @angular/material:table tables

here is what we have at this stage.

Dashboard Template With Angular Material Design


Installing the Forms Component

For this last part this is what we will have after we run the following command.

ng generate @angular/material:address-form forms

and without editing anything we can have this, when clicking on the form tab of the sidebar of our application.



Adding anyother Material design component

At this level we have not explored all the components of the angular material design framework. You can add any other component, by going to the component tab of their official documentation and following the instructions to import the module from the API and the source code of the of the documentation as shown bellow.


That is all, thank you for reading. We will appreciate if you can share it with friends or in any other platform to help others learning material design.

The complete source code can be found on github here.


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Kamdjou Duplex

the world would not be so beautiful without people willing to share knowledge