High level programming language. With Java, you now have the power to instruct any system to do anything. You have a new super power. Most of the android apps you are using on your phone, that's right, the whatsap, facebook or instagram, google apps, are developed with Java for the most part.
If No, then you have finished reading this article. Thanks for reading.
If Yes, Welcome to the eague of extraordinary gentlemen. You will soon graduate to be an avenger.
To get started,
First download a small IDE like DrJava so that you can easily write in your code and run it.
Launch DrJava and create a new project from the menu.
Type the following code
public class Hello{
public void main(String[] args){
System.out.println("Hello! Welcome to the league of extraordinary gentlement.");
If you have typed all that high level code above, then congratulations. You just asked the computer to welcome you onboard.
Now find the save button and click it to save. Then find the run button still on the main menu bar and click it. You should see the welcome note appear in a console section of DrJava like the following:
Hello! Welcome to the league of extraordinary gentlement.
If you see it, then give yourself a pat on the back. You just earned a trophy!
Your initiation has now been completed.
Thanks for reading and stay tuned for our next lesson.
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