How To Set Smart Goals In The Year 2019-2020


What is a Smart goal?

A smart goal is a specific place where you want to end up, at the end of a specific period of time. Today I will be teaching you good techniques on how to set smart goals.

Planning and setting goals?

Setting smart goals give you a long-term vision of what you want to achieve and a short term motivation to keep you going through the process.

A written smart goal represents a real commitment.

Long-Term Goals

This is your main plan it is like your end game where you want to end up archiving, in the long run, will be your long term goal. This help you see the purpose of why you are working today.

Short-Term Goals

This is the step by step process that you need to follow to get to your main smart goal, you need to break down your long term goal into smaller tasks that will serve as your short term goal. It will help to keep you on the right track towards archiving your long term goal.


Focus more on the smaller tasks which you need to complete to achieve your long term goal.

The strategic planning process


This is the sub-goals that you will accomplish in order to achieve your long-term goal. Sub goals are always important because they keep you motivated while you are getting closer to your main smart goal so always try to set sub-goals, make sure that your sub-goals are always leading you back to your main goal always try to keep them moving to the final plan which is your main goal.


This should be the method you intend to use to accomplish your objectives on the way to your main smart goal. Always try to have a specific strategy that will help you to achieve your sub-goals this will help you if the strategy does not work don't change the goal thinking that you have failed rather change the strategy and try again don't change your goals.

Your Priorities

This will enable you to choose what to do first among your sub-goals, it helps you to organize every aspect of your life. its always a good idea to know what is most needed at the moment among your sub-goals you need to organize them in order from the easiest to the hard parts, for example if your smart goal is to make a $100,000 in a year you can start by thinking of how to make $1000 in a month then for the next month you can increase it to $2000 so keep it that way from the easiest to the hardest task that way you don't feel the difficulties.

Ask Your Self

This is some question's you should ask your self before setting your priorities.

  1. What is really important to me?

  2. What are my highest value activities?

  3. what is the most valuable use of my life right now?

You should consider asking your self those three questions above and that should help you to set good priorities.

Set Long Term Goals

Setting long term goals will help you to know where you want to go in life, it should help give you a vision of what you need and this should serve as a powerful motivation for you knowing where you want to be or what you intend to archive.

Review And Keep Track Of Your Progress

You should always make sure you review and keep track of your progress this will help you to keep going knowing that you are archiving your smart goal gradually.

Organizing And Processing Goals

The following 5 steps will help you to set a better goal

  1. Think

  2. Plan

  3. Decide

  4. Organize

  5. Take action 

Make Sure Your Goal Is Something You Want

Always try to set smart goals on what you want so that you feel happy archiving them and this will also serve as a source of motivation.

Set Smaller Goals That Lead To Your Big Goals

Always try to set smaller goals that will help you achieve your big or smart goal this process will help you to work less and end up archiving your main goal without so much difficulty.

Your Smart Goals Must Be:

  1. Specific: Always make sure that your goals are moving straight to the point.

  2. Measurable

  3. Actionable: Always try to accomplish your sub-goals by so doing you are taking action.

  4. Realistic

  5. Time Frame: Always set deadlines for your goals

Why people can not concentrate and what to do about it?


Means giving your close, undivided attention to something.

Note: Studies show that people are most able to focus on an average of only six hours/week.

7-Steps On Increasing Your Fucus

1. Know Your Self

  • Why you concentrate.

  • Why you don't concentrate.

  • Why you react or feel the way you do to certain things.

2. Find A Good Time To Study

3. Prioritize All Your Task And Design Time To Complete Them

4.Break Larger Task Into Smaller Ones

5. Learn Actively

  • Always try to put what you learn in your own words

  • Compare what you are learning with what you know

  • Link new facts to what you already know

  • Apply what you are learning to your own situation and use the new information in your day to day activity.

6. Be Active In Mental Activities

  • Ask so many questions 

  • Write brief notes

  • Ask your self where you will use the material

7. Reflect And Adjust

  • What is my main smart goal 

  • What is my smart goal for the week 

  • What do I need to do today 

  • Where am I at this moment

  • Is this technique/place/situation working?

  • Is it worth improving?

  • How can I improve it?

Exercises To Improve Your Focus 

1. Discipling Your Mind

2. Practice 10-15 Minute Each Day On How To Discipline Your Mind.

3. Practice Simple Mental Circulation 10-15 Minute Every Day

4. Observe

5. Focus On A Single Word For 5 Minute Of No Disturbance 

6. Observe Without Thinking

7. Hold A Single Thought For 5 Minute And 10 The Next Day And Keep Increasing.

How Can You Induce That Focus State In Your Self

1. Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is a way of sketching out your idea on a piece of paper meaning you have a clear image of it in your mind.

  • Start off with your main image in the middle of the paper.

  • Form these main images make branches out of it that will be for a different area of your topic

  • You then make sub-branches out of them only use one word per branch.

2. Interest Your Mind

You should try to find something interesting even in a task that you normally didn't like.


  • Focus on finding five central ideas to think about.

  • Use mind maps to record the search then write test questions to summarize your learning after each topic.

3. Find Your Purpose 

  • Remind your self why your, work is important and why the work you need to do is important.

  • Remind your self of all you stand to gain by archiving your goal.

Find Your Internal Distraction And Stop Them

  • Identify what distract you and then take proactive measures to not let them distract you again.

Manage Your Time

Write down how long it will take you to complete each task on your Todo-List.

How To Improve Your Motivation For Learning

Motivation: Is a key component of your concentration 

1. Force Your Self To Start: Don't sit and wait for the right moment now is the time you just need to start.

2. Start by doing something small

3. Use reward as self-motivation: Always reward your self after completing each task, like you can say you will watch a new movie if you are able to complete your task for the day.

4. Share your progress: Sharing your progress will help you to keep working hard knowing that people will be expecting more from you.

5. Tell your self why studying is important: Always remind your self of why you are working hard this will help to motivate you.

  • Why am I doing this?

  • Where am I heading?

  • Where do I want to be in 3 years' time?

6. Imagine The End Result

  • Imagine how you will feel when you finally accomplish your end results.

  • Put a picture of the end result on your mind through the process.


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